Appendix 97




(Schedule X of the Companies Act, 1956 w.e.f. 1‑5‑2000)




(See sections 574 and 611)


Table of fees to be paid to the Registrar



Amount of fees to be paid Rs.

I. In respect of a company having a share capital

  1. For registration of a company whose nominal share capital does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000
  2. For registration of a company whose nominal share capital exceeds Rs. 1,00,000, the above fee of Rs. 4,000 with the following additional fees regulated according to the amount of nominal capital :­

(a)    For every Rs. 10,000 of nominal share capital or part of Rs. 10,000 after the first Rs. 1,00,000 up to Rs. 5,00,000

(b)    For every Rs. 10,000 of nominal share capital or part of Rs. 10,000 after the first Rs. 5,00,000 up to Rs. 50,00,000

(c)    For every Rs. 10,000 of nominal share capital or part of Rs. 10,000 after the first Rs. 50,00,000 up to Rs. 1 crore

(d)    For every Rs. 10,000 of nominal share capital or part of Rs. 10,000 after the first Rs. 1 crore

(Provided that where the additional fees, regulated according to the amount of the nominal capital of a company, exceeds a sum of rupees two crores, the total amount of additional fees payable for the registration of such company shall not, in any case, exceed rupees two crores.)

  1. For filing a notice of any increase in the nominal share capital of a com­pany, the difference between the fees payable on the increased share capital on the date of filing the notice for registration of company and the fees payable, on existing authoriscd capital at the rates prevailing on the date of filing the no­tice.
  2. For registration of any existing company, except such companies as are by this Act exempted from payment of fees in respect of registration under this Act, the same fee as is charged for registering a new company.
  3. For filing, registering or recording any document by this Act required or authorised to be filed, registered or recorded.-

(a)    in respect of a company, having a nominal share capital of less than Rs. 1,00,000

(b)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of Rs. 1,00,000, or more but less than Rs. 5,00,000

(c)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of Rs. 5,00,000, or more but less than Rs. 25,00,000

(d)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of Rs. 25,00,000 or more

  1. For making a record of or registering any fact by this Act required or authorised to be recorded or registered by the Registrar,­-

(a)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of less than Rs. 1,00,000

(b)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of Rs. 1,00,000 or more but less than Rs. 5,00,000

(c)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of Rs. 5,00,000 or more but less than Rs. 25,00,000

(d)    in respect of a company having a nominal share capital of Rs. 25,00,000 or more















































II. In respect of a company not having a share capital :

  1. For registration of a company whose number of members as stated in the Articles of Association does not exceed 20
  2. For registration of a company whose number of members as stated in the Articles of Association exceeds 20 but does not exceed 100
  3. For registration of a company whose number of members as stated in the Articles of Association exceeds 100 but is not stated to be unlimited, the above fee of Rs. 2,500 with an additional Rs. 10 for every 50 members, or less number than 50 members, after the first 100
  4. For registration of a company in which the number of members is stated in the Articles of Association to be unlimited
  5. For registration of any increase in the number of members made after the registration of the company, the same fee as would have been payable in respect of such increase, if such increase had been stated in the Articles of Association at the time of registration :

Provided that no company shall be liable to pay on the whole a greater fee than Rs. 5,000 in respect of its number of members, taking into account the fee paid on the first registration of the company.

  1. For registration of any existing company except such companies as are by this Act exempted from payment of fees in respect of registration under this Act, the same fee as is charged for registering a new company.
  2. For filing or registering any document by this Act required or authorised to be filed or registered with the Registrar
  3. For making a record of or registering any fact by this Act required or authorised to be recorded or registered by the Registrar.

This notification shall come into force on 1st day of May, 2000.



























Guidelines for payment of Fixed Additional Fee on belated riling of documents [revised w.e.f. 1‑5‑1995]


Press Note No. 2/95, dated 21‑3‑1995‑ The Department of Company Affairs had earlier streamlined and standardised the additional fee under section 611(2) of the Companies Act in June, 1994 in respect of companies having authorised share capital upto Rs. 1 crore for delays upto one year in case of Form No. 5 under section 97 of the Act relating to increase in the authorised share capital and for delays upto 6 months in respect of other documents filed by companies with the Registrars of Companies. This liberalised procedure is working well. As per recommendations made by the Review Committee (Joshi Committee) set up by the Department, it has now been decided that the standardisation of additional fee be extended to all the companies irrespective of their authorised share capital and period of delay. Accordingly, the levy of fixed rates of additional fee will be regulated according to the following table with effect from 1‑5‑1995.




Fixed Rates of Additional Fee under section 611(2) of the Companies Act, 1956



Period of delay

Fixed rate of Additional




(a) Form No. 5 under Section 97 relating to increase in authorised share capital'.

(i)Upto 1 year.




(ii)More than one year

2 per cent. p.m. on the fee payable under para 1.3 or II.11 of Sch. X as the case may be.


2.5 per cent. p.m. on the fee payable under para 1.3 or II.11 of Sch. X as the case may be.

(b) Other documents.

(i)                  Upto one month.

(ii)                More than one month and upto three months.

(iii)               More than 3 months and upto six months.

(iv)              More than 6 months and upto one year.

(v)                More than one year and upto two years.

(vi)              More than two years.

One time of normal filing fee.

Two times of normal filing fee.



Four times of normal filing fee.


Six times of normal filing fee.


Eight times of normal filing fee.


Nine times of normal filing fee.


Fixed rates of additional fee specified in column 3 of the above Table, shall be paid by the companies at the time of filing the documents. Documents filed belatedly will not be accepted by the Registrars without payment of additional fee.


Registrars of Companies will not now be required to issue show cause notice/demand notice for late filing of documents by the companies. 'Me aforesaid liberalised procedure will be convenient not only to the companies, but will also result in taking the documents on record expeditiously for public inspection.


Source :           [Issued by the Ministry of Law, Justice & Company Affairs, Department of Company Af­fairs vide No. 14/3/87‑CL‑V., Vol. III; Press Note No. 2/95, dated 21‑3‑1995].